Jeff Ayars and I filmed this webisode of Dawg House in two hours this past weekend. It was a spur-of-the-moment collaboration. I let him know I'd be upstate for a few days, and asked if he needed an actress for any projects. He already had "Woof Dawg", an alter-ego who he was making a documentary about, complete with a fake okcupid dating profile, but he mentioned he needed to film something else featuring Woof for a class. Next thing I knew, I was creating my own okcupid profile for "Shannon", messaging Woof Dawg on it, and setting up a date with him.

We posted the video on YouTube and within three days we had over 28,000 views. Facebook comments included "please post future episodes", when we hadn't planned to film more in the first place. Kinda fun what a little impromptu film making can bring. Watch the video here.
<-----This is Shannon's okcupid profile. She messaged Woof Dawg with the username "gurldawg". Click on it and check it out.
<-----This is Shannon's okcupid profile. She messaged Woof Dawg with the username "gurldawg". Click on it and check it out.